
Mehrnaz Sokhansanj is an Iranian-American poet and spoken word artist based in Los Angeles, CA. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in English with a concentration in creative writing and poetry from UCLA and her poems have been published in a wide variety of journals, including the Los Angeles Poets Society, Papeachu Review, and Sixfold.

Her debut poetry chapbook, it doesn’t have to be this way, is currently available for purchase.



“I Don’t Know Your Hurt”, “Sea of Detachment”, “The Mourning Song” | Sixfold, Winter 2019

“It Lives”, “I am”, “Self-portrait” | Papeachu Review, Issue 2

“2008 was supposed to be lucky” | The Los Angeles Poets Society, #SheDoes Movement

“Blurrs” | Underground Literary Journal, Fall 2016 Issue